The Highland Council ~ Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd

Links to Gaelic bodies

Stèidhichte sna h-Eilean Iar, tha Acair Earranta air mòran leabhraichean Gàidhlig, Beurla agus dà-chànanach fhoillseachadh.
Based in the Western Isles, Acair Earranta publish a wide range of Gaelic, English and Bilingual books.

Air Splaoid!
‘Se cursa air-loidhne a th’ann an Air Splaoid airson fàs Ghàidhlig agus airson a h-uile duine a chuideachadh airson dha ionnsachadh.
Air Splaoid! is an online course to develop awareness of Gaelic and help everyone learn Gaelic.

Am Baile
Am Baile is a digital archive of the history and culture of the Scottish Highlands and Islands by drawing together photographs, rare books and documents from archives, libraries, museums and private collections, contemporary art, films, interactive games and comics. The site is available in Gaelic and English.
‘S e Am Baile tasglann digiteach de dh'eachdraidh agus de dhualchas na Gaidhealtachd is nan Eilean. Tha Am Baile làn dhealbhan, leabhraichean is sgrìobhainnean nach eil cumanta à tasglainn, leabharlainn, taighean-tasgaidh is cruinneachaidhean prìobhaideach, ealan an latha an-diugh, fiolmaichean, geamannan eadar-ghnìomhail agus coimigean. Faodar an làrach a chleachdadh ann an Gàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.

An Comunn Gàidhealach
Tha An Comann Gàidhealach na bhuidheann carthannais saor-thoileach a chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 1874 gus cànan is cultar nan Gàidheal a bhrosnachadh. Tha iad cuideachd a' ruith a' Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail – prìomh fhèis chultarail nan Gàidheal.
An Comunn Gàidhealach is a voluntary, charitable organisation which was founded in 1874 in order to promote the Gaelic language and culture. They also organise the Royal National Mod – the main Gaelic cultural festival.

An Lòchran
'S e Ionad Gàidhlig Ghlaschu a th' anns An Lòchran a tha a' frithealadh na coimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig is Ghàidhealach sa bhaile, agus nan daoine aig a bheil ùidh sa chultar Cheilteach.
An Lòchran is Glasgow’s Gaelic Centre which serves the city’s Gaelic and Highland community, and those who have an interest in the Celtic culture.

Bòrd na Gàidhlig
National organisation responsible for the promotion of Gaelic, in partnership with the Scottish Executive, public authorities and Gaelic organisations. Its aim is to increase the number of people speaking and learning the language and provide support, resources and funding for this.

Luchd-leasachadh do dhoighean ionnsachaidh ùra agus conaltradh, ann an cànan sam bith.
Providers of innovative learning and communication solutions, in anyone’s language.

Comann nam Parant
A network of about 30 local groups of parents sending their children to Gaelic medium education. Their aim is to support the establishment and maintenance of education through the Gaelic language.

Clì Gàidhlig
'S e buidheann cothruim is adhartachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an Clì Gàidhlig a tha ag obair gus: ionnsachadh is inbhe nàiseanta na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh; gus fiosrachadh air Gàidhlig is cùisean Gàidhlig a sgaoileadh; agus gus beachdan luchd-ionnsachaidh is fileantaich ùra a chur an cèill.
Clì Gàidhlig is the Gaelic access and promotion organisation which works to: promote the learning and national status of Gaelic; to disseminate information on Gaelic and Gaelic matters; and to act as the voice of learners and non-native speakers.

Colaisde a’ Chaisteil
'S e Colaiste Foghlaim Àrd-ìre a th' ann an Colaisde a' Chaisteil a tha fo sgèith Institiùd OGE nam Mìle Bliadhna, agus a tha a' tabhainn grunn chùrsaichean Gàidhlig (ceum is eile).
Lews Castle College is a Higher Education Institute which is part of the UHI Millennium Insitute, and it offers a number of Gaelic courses (including degree programmes).

Tha Colmcille a' toirt taic do bhith brosnachadh na Gàidhlig agus na Gaeilge ann an Alba, Poblachd na h-Èireann is Èirinn a Tuath, agus tha i a' neartachadh cheanglaichean eadar na Gàidheil sna dùthchannan sin. Tha a' bhuidheann a' faighinn taic-airgid bho riaghaltasan nan trì dùthchannan.
Colmcille supports the promotion of Gaelic and Irish in Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and it strengthens the ties between these countries. The organisation is funded by the governments of the three areas.

Comunn na Gàidhlig (CnaG)
'S e buidheann-leasachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an Comunn na Gàidhlig a tha ag obair a' cruthachadh chothroman dhan Ghàidhlig ann an caochladh raointean aig ìre coimhearsnachd, teaghlaichean, gnìomhachas, òigridh agus oileanaich.
Comann na Gàidhlig is a Gaelic development agency which works in a number of areas to develop Gaelic, however, they are particularly involved in initiatives involving the community, education, younger people and strategies and promotion.

Comhairle nan Leabhraichean
'S e Comhairle nan Leabhraichean a' phrìomh bhuidheann a tha toirt taic do: ùghdaran, foillseachadh, sanasachd is reic leabhraichean Gàidhlig. Tha i an sàs gu mòr anns gach adhartas ann an saoghal litreachas na Gàidhlig.
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean is the main organisation which supports authors and the publication, marketing and sale of Gaelic books. It is involved with many of the successes in the Gaelic literary world.

Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich
Tha Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich a' toirt foghlam ro-sgoile do fhaisg air 2,000 pàiste ann an Alba tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Gheibhear comhairle is stiùireadh bhuapa mun roinn chudromach seo, agus tha iad cuideachd an sàs ann a bhith a' teagasg na Gàidhlig do phàrantan.
Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich gives pre-school education to nearly 2,000 children in Scotland through the medium of Gaelic. They can give guidance and advice on this important sector, and they are also involved in teaching Gaelic to parents.

Comhairle na Gàidhlig
Tha làrach-linn Comhairle na Gàidhlig làn criomagan beag Gàidhlig airson ionnsachadh, tachartasan gaidhlig agus tha pìosan beaga fiosrachadh aige air am buaidh a rinn nan Gaidheal air an dùthaich ùr aca.
The Gaelic Council of Nova Scotia website provides details on Gaelic events inside and outside of Nova-Scotia, basic Gaelic lessons and is full of trivia on the Gaels influence on Nova Scotia.

Fèisean nan Gàidheal
'S e buidheann neo-eisimeileach a th' ann am Fèisean nan Gàidheal agus tha grunn fhèisean teagaisg Gàidhlig fo sgèith na buidhne seo. Tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal a' toirt seachad tabhartasan is prògraman trèanaidh, agus tha iad an sàs ann an tòrr iomairtean eile a tha a' brosnachadh na Gàidhlig agus a cultar.
Fèisean nan Gàidheal is an independent umbrella organisation for many of the Gaelic teaching festivals in Scotland. Fèisean nan Gàidheal gives support funding and delivers training programmes, and they are involved in many initiatives which promote the Gaelic language and its culture.

Highland Council Gaelic Committee
Agendas and Minutes from the Highland Council Gaelic Select Committee meetings can be found here:

Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle
'S e ionad Gàidhlig is dualchais a th' ann an Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle a tha a' tabhainn chothroman foghlaim is ionnsachaidh sa Ghàidhlig.
Ionad Chaluim Chille is a Gaelic and cultural centre in Islay which offers learning and educational opportunities in Gaelic.

The Royal National Mod is an annual festival of events and competitions organised by An Comunn Gaidhealach to celebrate the linguistic and cultural heritage of the Highlands through music, song, dance, sport and drama.

The Office of Gaelic Affairs, Nova Scotia
Tha oifis ag adhartachadh agus a brosnachadh cànan agus ultur nan gaidheal anns dùthaich aca fhèin.
The office assists in promoting and developing the Gaelic Language and culture thorughout their own communites.

Parliamentary Dictionary
Dictionary of terminology relevant to the Scottish Parliament, English – Gaelic and Gaelic – English. It is available online:

Pròiseact nan Ealan
'S e Pròiseact nan Ealan buidheann-leasachaidh nàiseanta nan ealain Gàidhlig ann an Alba, tha iad stèidhichte ann an Steòrnabhagh ann an Leòdhas agus tha iad an sàs ann an tòrr phròiseactan co-cheangailte ris na h-ealain Ghàidhlig.
Pròiseact nan Ealan is the principal national development agency for the Gaelic arts in Scotland, they are based in Storonoway in Lewis and they are involved in numerous projects connected with the Gaelic arts.

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
'S e Colaiste Foghlaim Àrd-ìre Ghàidhlig a th' ann an Sabhal Mòr Ostaig a tha a' tabhainn taghadh de chùrsaichean Gàidhlig (ceum is eile), agus a tha suidhichte san Eilean Sgitheanach. Tha cùrsaichean goirid agus cùrsaichean air astar do luchd-ionnsachaidh agus luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig aca a bharrachd air cùrsaichean pàirt- is làn-thìde.
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is a Higher Education Institute which offers a range of Gaelic courses (including degree programmes), and it is situated on the Isle of Skye. They have short courses in addition to part- and full-time courses.

Scottish Government- Gaelic
The Scottish Government has responsibility for funding and support of Gaelic medium education, Gaelic broadcasting, Bòrd na Gàidhlig and implementation of the Gaelic Languages Act 2005.

Scottish Parliament- Gaelic
A Gaelic language version of the parliamentary website

Stòr-data Briathrachais Gàidhlig
Briatharachais air-loidhne a dh’eadar theanagachas bho Gadhlig gu beurla agus bho Beurla gu Gàidhlig. Pàirt don làrach lìnn aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
An online dictionary which translates from English into Gaelic aswell as from from Gaelic into English. Part of the Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Website.

Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig
Chaidh Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig a stèidheachadh gus ullachadh agus sgaoileadh ghoireasan-foghlaim Gàidhlig a cho-ordanachadh. Tha a' bhuidheann a' toirt seachad seirbhis do gach earrann de dh'fhoghlam Gàidhlig aig ìre na sgoile agus do dh'fhoghlam fad-beatha tro ghrunn phròiseactan sònraichte.
Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig was established to co-ordinate the production and distribution of resources for Gaelic education. The organisation provides resource support for statutory education at all levels and for lifelong learning through specific projects.

Tobar an Dualchais
Tha Tobar an Dualchais an sàs ann a bhith a' tasgadh mhìltean de chlàraidhean ann an cruth didsiotach a bhios rim faotainn air-loidhne. Tha am pròiseact dualchais seo a' toirt cothrom do dhaoine èisteachd ri guthan nan Gàidheal thar nam bliadhnaichean.
Tobar an Dualchais is involved in the archiving of thousands of recordings in digital format which will be available online. This heritage project gives people the chance to listen to the voices of Gaelic speakers through the years

UHI (UHI Millenium Institute)
The higher education institute of the Highlands and Islands offering courses up to postgraduate level through a partnership of 15 colleges and research institutions in different locations throughout the Highlands and Islands.

Language learning method developed in Israel with emphasis on speaking and repetition. Now available for learning and teaching Gaelic via funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Information about courses for teachers can be found here.
Gheibhear fiosrachadh mu chùrsaichean do luchd-oide an seo.