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Duty of Candour Report 2023/24

Published: Monday, 6 March 2023

Fostering & Adoption Service - Duty of Candour Report 2023/24

Fostering & Adoption Service

Duty of Candour Report 2023/24

1. How many incidents happened to which the duty of candour applies?


In the last year (1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024), there have been no incidents to which the duty of candour applied.


2. Information about our policies and procedures


In the event of an incident occurring that triggers a duty of candour, our staff would report this to the Childrens Services Manager, Fostering and Adoption, who has responsibility for ensuring that the duty of candour procedure is followed. Where required, the Care Inspectorate will be notified. When an incident has occurred, we will ensure that subjects are informed, that we meet with them to discuss the incident and apologise.  A learning review meeting will be convened to reflect on what has happened and to take actions to prevent any further event.


It is standard procedure that all new staff within the Fostering and Adoption Service will be informed about the duty of candour during their induction period.


In terms of support for staff, we do understand that serious mistakes can be distressing for the staff, families, foster carers, children and young people. Anyone affected will be provided with support from Health and Social Care and partner agencies or organisational HR processes.


Type of unexpected or unintended incidents that would trigger a duty of candour response,

Number of times this has happened

Someone individual has died


Someone has permanently led sensory, motor, physiologic or intellectual functions


Someone’s treatment has increased because of harm


The structure of someone’s body changes because of harm


Someone’s life expectancy becomes shorter because of harm


Someone’s sensory, motor or intellectual functions is impaired for 28 days or more


Someone experienced pain or psychological harm for 28 days or more


A person needed health treatment in order to prevent them dying


A person needing health treatment in order to prevent other injuries



Within the Fostering and Adoption Service the Resource Manager will have completed the Duty of Candour E module via the Care Inspectorate training section.  This enables us to respond effectively to all incidents that are captured under the legislation. At our monthly team meeting we discuss any notifiable events.

If you would like more information about our service, please contact us by emailing

Signed:  Alison Gordon

Designation: Children’s Services Manager
