Wick street design project
Update on project
Funding secured for traffic control in pedestrian zone
We have been granted funding from Transport Scotland’s Active Travel Infrastructure Fund, for the installation of rising bollards in the pedestrian zone of the High Street. This is a pivotal part of the Wick Street Design project which will help to reduce the volume of unauthorised traffic from entering the zone.
Ground investigation works at the bollard locations will commence this month and the bollards will be in place by the end of March 2025.
Once the hydraulic bollards are in operation, traffic approaching the zone will have to use the call button on the control pillar to speak to the control centre in Inverness to request access. Certain vehicles will be provided with a bar code which will be read on approach to the bollards which will drop automatically. When the control room is closed, the bollards will be activated to drop when a vehicle approaches. The exit bollard will drop when a vehicle approaches without the need to contact the control room.
Part of the High Street, Market Place and Back Bridge Street
Restrictions for the pedestrian zone are:
- pedestrian zone, except for loading during Monday to Saturday - 12am to 11am and 4pm to 12am, Sunday at any time
- no waiting at any time
Market Place
Restrictions for the pedestrian zone are:
- no waiting except taxis
- disabled badge holders only
Plans of all Highland Council parking restrictions, including those for Wick.
You can contact us at WickStreetDesign@highland.gov.uk.
Detailed design and draft tender documents
The design team in Golspie is finalising the layout of the Wick Street Design project and is preparing a package of drawings and specifications for the civils work.
The proposed scheme includes improvements to the signalised junction at Bridge Street/High Street which will make it easier for pedestrians to cross the road and access the High Street from the surrounding car parks.
The plans would also see the resurfacing of the pedestrian zone in the High Street and the installation of rising bollards at both ends to control access for cars and lorries. This would ensure that any authorised traffic would have to reduce speed which will add to pedestrian safety in the High Street. New seating and planting are included in the scheme as well as art work which will reference the Market Cross and local cultural influences.
SUSTRANS, who have provided funding for the design development, are not in a position to provide funding for construction. A funding bid will be made to Transport Scotland’s Active Travel Transformation Fund when it opens for applications. This is a new Transport Scotland fund and is anticipated to open for applications in the new year.
Consultation on the detailed design plans
We held a well attended drop-in session on the 31 March 2023 in Caithness House to share the design for the pedestrian zone in the High Street and the Bridge Street/High Street junction. This project forms part of the wider regeneration of Wick town centre.
The purpose of the session was to share more detail so we can finalise the design, secure a funding stream and move on to preparing tender documents and construction phase. Subject to a positive response and successful funding bid, it is intended that construction works could start before the end of the year.
The project began in 2019 when The Highland Council, in partnership with The Royal Burgh of Wick Community Council and Caithness Community Partnership applied to Sustrans Scotland for funding through the Street Design Programme.
The project team was led by Sustrans’ Street Design team, in partnership with The Highland Council. The project team worked collaboratively with the local community of Wick between September 2019 and October 2020 to develop a concept design which aimed to create:
- Warm, welcoming and more attractive public spaces
- A comfortable and safe environment to walk, wheel and cycle
- Better travel experiences through Wick town centre - particularly when accessing local facilities
- A sense of identity for the town centre in Wick, drawing on local culture and heritage
Following completion of the concept stage, a further successful bid for funding was made to the Sustrans Places for Everyone programme. This has allowed us to take the ideas from the concept phase and work them into a detailed design which can be used to tender for construction works.
You can contact us with any comments or questions by email at WickStreetDesign@highland.gov.uk.
Funding from Places for Everyone
We have been successful in applying to Sustrans for £150,000 from its Places for Everyone fund to allow it to take forward the community of Wick’s vision to redesign the High Street. The project taps into the enthusiasm and determination to highlight the many positive reasons to live in and visit Caithness.
The ambitious Wick High Street project brings together The Highland Council, the Royal Burgh of Wick Community Council, local Councillors, community groups and members of the public to work collaboratively to make improvements that will create a more welcoming and attractive town centre that people want to spend quality time in.
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