Local Place Plans

Other Community Land Use Plans

Some community land use plans prepared in The Highland Council development plans area, either before or after the Local Place Plan Regulations came into force, are not included in our Local Place Plan Register.

This is because these plans have not been prepared and submitted in accordance with the Scottish Government requirements for Local Place Plan preparation.

Community land use plans reported to Council Committee

The following community land use plans have been reported to Council Committee and which, having been acknowledged for use as a material consideration for planning applications, will also be taken into account during the preparation of the new Local Development Plan.

Community land use plans

The following community land use plans may be taken into account during the preparation of the new Local Development Plan, at the discretion of The Highland Council.

Sharing your Community Land Use Plans

If you would like your community-prepared land use plan added to this page for the purpose for sharing, email it to lpp@highland.gov.uk, noting that:

  • Contact details within your community-prepared land use plan must be generic, and contain no personal email or postal addresses, and no phone numbers
  • The community group is responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for the use of any photos and graphics included in their community-prepared land use plan prior to submitting it to the Council for the purposes indicated above

How do Local Place Plans differ from other 'community land use plans'?

Local Place Plans, while possibly similar to predecessor 'community land use plans', are distinct from them. Local Place Plans have been introduced as a specific plan type by Scottish Government as part of their wider work on planning reform and implementation of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019.

Local Place Plans must be prepared in line with the legal requirements of paragraphs 1(4) and 2(1) of Schedule 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended). This is explained in the Scottish Government's guide to preparing and submitting Local Place Plans and in our Local Place Plan Template Guidance.

Local Place Plans for Highland that have passed the validation process can be viewed in our directory and map of registered Local Place Plans.

Can an existing community-led plan be submitted as a Local Place Plan?

Ideas for development or the use of land in your local area can be promoted without it being part of a Local Place Plan.

Other (existing or new) community-led plans relating to the Highland Council area, which do not comply with the legal requirements for Local Place Plans, can still be submitted to us as part of the evidence gathering for a Local Development Plan. They can also be taken into account during the preparation of the Local Development Plan.

Alternatively, you may wish to investigate the possibility of converting an existing community-led land use plan into a Local Place Plan. However, you should consider the legal requirements for preparing Local Place Plans.

Further advice on the preparation of Local Place Plans