Help with leaving employment


It's never too late to learn

If you have retired, live in Caithness or North Sutherland and plan to use some of your time for study, you may be eligible to apply for funding from the Daniel McLean Fund.

18-24 Year Old Age Group

Hi-hope is an online resource for young people and provides information about learning choices for further study and training.

Distance Learning

The Open University offers a diverse range of distance learning courses for all age groups.

Highland Council Learning and Development

Learning and Development offer a wide range of training courses available to all employees. Please email for more information.

Highlife Highland

Highlife Highland provides free flexible support for adults to improve their skills in;

  • Increasing confidence in learning
  • Reading, writing and spelling
  • Using numbers
  • Learning English as a second or other language
  • Gaining SQA Core Skills qualification

For more information please call 01463 251277.


Institute Leadership Management (ILM) is a UK provider of leadership, coaching and management qualifications and training.

The Big Plus

The Big Plus is an awareness raising campaign to put people in touch with learning providers who deliver reading, writing and number tuition.

The support which tutors offer may include help to;

  • Fill in forms
  • Understand and write letters
  • Handle bills and bank statements
  • Help children with their homework

Call The Big Plus on 0808 100 1080 to speak to an adviser who will put you in touch with tutors in your local area

University of the Highlands and Islands

UHI offer a diverse range of courses with options for open learning, part-time and full-time study which is available to all age groups.

Workers Educational Association (WEA)

WEA (Workers Educational Association) offer part time adult education courses in your local area.