Planning Review Body

Current notices of review

July 2024

Review reference number: 24/00022/RBNON
Name of applicant: Glencoe Folk Museum
Address of review: Glencoe Museum, Glencoe

June 2024

Review reference number: 24/00017/RBREF
Name of applicant: Mr A Robertson
Address of review: Land SE Of 12 Sunnybank Avenue, Inverness

Review reference number: 24/00016/RBNON
Name of applicant: Mrs Rachel Wood
Address of review: Garage, Farmhouse Balblair, Edderton,Tain, IV19 1LF

May 2024

Review reference number: 24/00014/RBREF
Name of applicant: Aurora Hotel
Address of review: Aurora Hotel, 2 Academy Street, Nairn, IV12 4RJ

April 2024

Review reference number: 24/00005/RBREF
Name of applicant: Mr and Mrs John and Charonne Metcalfe
Address of review: Land 50M SW Of Rowan Cottage, Alvie Estate, Kincraig

Review reference number: 24/00012/RBREF
Name of applicant: Ben and Gemma Horsfield
Address of review: Land 300M South East Of Windy Hills, Achlaschoille, Farr, Inverness

Review reference number: 24/00010/RBREF
Name of applicant: Ms Jo de Sylva
Address of review: The Mission Hall, 5 Mid Street, Clachnaharry, Inverness, IV3 8RD

If you have any problems accessing the information above, phone the Review Body Administration Team on 01349 886606.