UK Parliamentary Election

Information for Voters

Register to Vote

You can vote in the UK Parliamentary election on Thursday 4th July 2024 if you’re registered to vote and are:

  • aged 18 or over on polling day
  • a British citizen, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen
  • not subject to any legal incapacity to vote

If your name is not on the register, you will not be able to vote.

The last date to apply to be registered for this election was Tuesday 18th June 2024.

If you are registered to vote, you will receive a poll card which provides you with information on where and how to vote.

Voter ID

There is a new rule that requires voters to show photo ID when they vote at polling stations. This only applies to UK General Elections. You will not need photo ID for Scottish Parliament elections or local council elections.

Voter IDs for UK General Elections

If you do not have an accepted form of ID, you can apply for a free voter authority certificate, but you must do this by 5pm on Wednesday 26th June 2024.

Visit the Government's Apply for photo ID to vote  - voter authority certificate page.

Voter ID is not required for any postal voters or postal proxy voters.

It is too late now to apply for new postal and postal proxy votes which was by 5pm on 19 June 2024.  However, be prepared if you have missed the postal vote deadline, you have an option still to appoint a proxy that is someone to vote on your behalf at a poling station. 

You must apply for new in person proxy votes by 5pm on 26 June 2024.

For more advice on registration, postal or proxy voting please email or call 0800 393783.

The General Election and my personal data - What should I expect?


Information Voting at a Polling Station

Information for Voters Voting by Post