School Estate Management

St Clement's School

A statutory consultation was completed in 2022 for St Clement’s School to be relocated to a new site off Dochcarty Brae in Dingwall to allow the construction of a new school building.

We approved a 5-year capital programme in September 2023 that included a revised level of capital budget provision for essential investment in the existing buildings that may arise over the next 5 years and pending a new build in the future. It was agreed that work on the concept design of the new building would continue and the acquisition of the Dochcarty Brae site was concluded in November 2023.

In May 2024 we approved the £2.1 billion twenty-year Highland Investment Plan (HIP). This is a highly significant, long term infrastructure investment programme for the Highland area.

A key element of this approach will be to establish Community Points of Delivery (PODs) which will be places where a wide range of Council services, including education, could be delivered alongside other partner and community services as part of a future integrated operating model for partnership working.

Dingwall was chosen as one of the priority locations for Phase 1 of the HIP and work has been undertaken to develop a local masterplan supported by options appraisals where necessary.

A commitment has been made to rebuild St Clement’s School and retain its unique identity. The outcome of the options appraisal process will determine the best method of achieving that, with consideration given to the benefits of each option.

There are two options being considered for the location of a new building for St Clement’s in Dingwall:

  • a new build on the recently acquired site at Dochcarty Brae
  • a new build co-located with a Community POD development on a new site

St Clement's Options appraisal

A Stakeholder Group was established and the initial meeting took place in November 2021.

St Clement's Stakeholder Group Meetings