School Estate Management
Charleston Academy
A design masterplan has been prepared that sets out a long-term strategy for the redevelopment of the Charleston Academy campus and the eventual replacement of all of the existing buildings. The masterplan is based on a new school building that can be constructed in a phased manner and take account of the school roll forecasts for the years ahead, and includes the adjacent Community Complex and Kinmylies Primary School.
We approved a revised capital programme in December 2021 that includes an increased budget of £16 million for the first phase of the redevelopment. This will comprise a new classroom block that can be extended in the future as required and some refurbishment of the main building.
Morrison Construction have been appointed as the design and build contractor working in conjunction with the our in-house Property teams to deliver the Phase 1 project.
An initial phase of refurbishment work was completed in 2018 to upgrade and increase pupil toilet facilities in the main building. Further improvements to the Community Complex building were completed in November 2020 and included the refurbishment and upgrade of the changing facilities, a new accessible toilet and shower, new hardwood flooring in the games hall, refurbishment of the gym store and fire safety improvements.
Separate funding has also been approved for the re-roofing of the main building which will be carried out in phases over the coming years.
A Stakeholder Group has been established and the initial meeting took place in April 2021. Minutes of all Stakeholder Group meetings and other relevant information will be uploaded here.
Latest Update - Final Pre-Planning Application Event
An online public consultation event was held at 6pm on Tuesday 13 June.
A copy of the presentation that was shared during the event and a feedback form to comment on the proposals is available at the link below.
The consultation demonstrated that following feedback from the first public events cognisance was taken of all comments received and the following items were raised and addressed:
- Loss of amenity green space to the south of the site
- Car parking numbers to the south of site
The project team revisited these concerns and the following solutions address and improve the issues highlighted:
- Footprint of the building has been reduced to minimise impact
- Community green space has been increased by over 3 times relative to that initially shown at Consultation 1
- Existing playground has been retained and the basketball court will be replaced
- Car parking numbers have been assessed, and confirmed as a lesser requirement needed
Public Consultation Boards and Feedback Form
Charleston Academy Stakeholder Group Meetings
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