Agendas, reports and minutes
Corporate Resources Committee
Date: Thursday, 24 May 2018
Minutes: Read the Minutes
Minutes of Meeting of the Corporate Resources Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness on Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 10.30 am.
Mr G Adam
Mr R Bremner (by video conference)
Mr J Bruce
Mrs C Caddick
Mrs G Campbell-Sinclair
Mrs H Carmichael
Dr I Cockburn
Mr J Finlayson (substitute)
Mr L Fraser
Mr R Gale
Mr A Jarvie (substitute)
Mr R Laird
Mr B Lobban
Mr D Louden
Mrs D Mackay
Mr D Mackay (substitute)
Mr G MacKenzie
Mr A Mackinnon
Mrs M Paterson
Mr M Reiss
Mr D Rixson
Mr P Saggers
Mr B Thompson
Non-Members also Present:
MrM Finlayson
Mr K Gowans
Mr R MacWilliam
Mr J McGillivray (by video conference)
Ms M Smith
Also in attendance:
Mr M Hayes, UNISON
Mr P MacPherson, GMB
Mr R Whyte, Unite the Union
Officials in attendance:
Mr S Barron, Chief Executive
Mr D Yule, Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources
Mr E Foster, Head of Corporate Finance and Commercialism, Corporate Resources Service
Mr A Gunn, Head of Revenues and Customer Services, Corporate Resources Service
Mr S Fraser, Head of Corporate Governance, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr S Walsh, Head of People and ICT, Corporate Resources Service
Mr B Porter, Head of Resources, Care and Learning Service
Mrs S McKandie, Benefits and Welfare Manager, Corporate Resources Service
Ms G Falconer, Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager, Corporate Resources Service
Mr J Shepherd, ICT Operations Manager, Corporate Resources Service
Ms K Lackie, Business Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr M Watters, Freedom of Information & Data Protection Manager, Chief Executive’s Office
Mrs L Dunn, Principal Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office
Ms A Macrae, Committee Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office
Mr A MacInnes, Administrative Assistant, Chief Executive’s Office
An asterisk in the margin denotes a recommendation to the Council. All decisions with no marking in the margin are delegated to the Committee.
Mr A Mackinnon in the Chair
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mrs M Davidson, Mr R Macdonald, Mr S Mackie, Mr K Rosie and Mrs C Wilson.
2. Declarations of Interest
Foillseachaidhean Com-pàirt
There were no declarations of interest.
3. Good News Stories
Naidheachdan Matha
The Chair advised that in 2006, Highland Council Officers and Trade Union health and safety representatives worked together to produce the Safety Representatives Charter and the Health and Safety Partnership Agreement. These documents set out how both parties would work in partnership to meet the requirements of the regulations and help ensure the health and safety of staff, and others across the Council area.
This was an innovative approach to partnership working and the TUC referred to it as the “Highland Model” and worked with other organisations to produce a similar framework. The documents were reviewed every three years, and signed by the Chief Executive and the senior Health and Safety representatives from each of the main trade unions. This underlined the importance of health and safety partnership working.
Thereafter, and on the invitation of the Chair, Mr Steve Barron, Chief Executive, Mr M Hayes, Unison, Mr R Whyte, Unite and Mr P MacPherson, GMB proceeded to sign the 2018 Agreement and Charter.
The Committee welcomed and NOTED the Signing of the Health and Safety Partnership Agreement and Safety Representatives Charter.
In accordance with Standing Order 18, with the consent of the meeting, Item 11 on the agenda was taken at this point.
11. Chief Executive’s Office Service Plan
Plana Seirbheis Oifis an Àrd-Oifigeir
There had been circulated Report No RES/26/18 dated 15 May 2018 by the Chief Executive which set out the Chief Executive’s Office Service priorities and how it was contributing to the delivery of the Council’s Programme, “Local Voices, Highland Choices.”
In discussion, points raised by Members included:-
- The Chief Executive’s Service included a number of support services to the Council and in particular Policy and Reform, Legal and Democratic Services and Trading Standards would see a significant increase in their workload as a result of community planning, localism and participatory budgeting. An indication was sought as to whether these services would be protected in terms of their resources and if appropriate, strengthened, to ensure that the Council’s priorities were able to be achieved in an effective and meaningful way for communities;
- It was queried if there was any proposal for a further review of the Ward Management structure in light of the redesign of the Council and the changing role of the Ward Manager;
- In relation to the Corporate Communications team, there had been a significant increase in communication received by the Council from the public through social media and queries through this medium generally did not get a response. It was acknowledged that the Corporate Communications team’s staff resources were limited, but it was important in terms of good customer and public relations that queries/comments through social media should be responded to. An indication was sought if there were any proposals in the Service Plan to improve how social media was used;
- It was suggested that in order to improve how the Council responded to queries through social media, a pilot project be introduced whereby each Service had a dedicated officer to respond to queries raised from members of the public; and
- The Corporate Communications team were congratulated for their work on the Council’s application of Augmented Reality technology.
The Committee:-
i. APPROVED the draft Chief Executive’s Office Service Plan for 2017-22; and
ii. AGREED to consider ways of improving feedback to queries raised by members of the public through social media.
4. Gaelic and Culture Update
Aithisg Ùrachaidh Gàidhlig agus Cultair
There had been circulated Report No RES/19/18 dated 15 May 2018 by the Director of Care and Learning which informed Members on a number of significant Gaelic/cultural developments which the Gaelic Team were currently taking forward in respect of Draft Gaelic Language Plan 3; Gaelic Language Act Implementation Fund; and the 40th Celtic Media Festival.
Members welcomed that the bid to hold the 40th Celtic Media Festival next year in Aviemore had been successful. This was a prestigious festival and therefore was excellent news for the Highlands and for the Council’s commitment to the Gaelic language.
Further good news was that the Council’s Gaelic Language Plan 3 had been well received by Bòrd na Gàidhlig. The Council now had to deliver on the plan and the Council looked forward to working closely with Bòrd na Gàidhlig to promote Gaelic through education and cultural activities throughout the Highlands. It was also encouraging that the Council had submitted twelve bids for project funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig. The outcome of these bids would be known in July 2018.
Members were pleased with progress on Gaelic development at the Council which was extremely encouraging to the commitment of the promotion of the language and culture.
The Committee AGREED:-
i. that Officers continue to liaise with Bòrd na Gàidhlig in relation the actions required in order to ensure that the Draft Gaelic Language Plan 3 fulfilled their requirements;
ii. the Gaelic Language Act Implementation Fund submissions be supported; and
iii. that the Chair of the Gaelic Implementation Group, with support from Officers, lead and support the 40th Celtic Media Festival when it was based in Aviemore in the late Spring/early Summer 2019.
5. Corporate Revenue Near Final Monitoring Report for 2017/18
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Iar-Dheireannach Teachd-a-steach Corporra airson 2017/18
There had been circulated Report No RES/20/18 dated 17 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources which provided a summary of the near final revenue budget spend for financial year 2017/18. The position was described ‘near final’ pending the completion of the year-end accounts and audit process.
In discussion, the following main points were raised by Members:-
- the overspend in the annual revenue budget had showed the impact of successive budget reductions and council tax freezes. It was therefore extremely challenging to manage significant pressures on demand led services. The Council’s Administration Budget Team had done all it could to protect front line services and jobs, and they were focused on finding ways the Council could increase income and maximise efficiency savings in areas where the Council did not have statutory responsibilities. The Council’s budget would remain challenging in years to come, meaning that Members would have difficult decisions to make in order that the Council had a balanced budget as was legally required;
- the Administration’s Budget Team intended to introduce a baseline budgeting approach and other political groups would be consulted during the budget process;
- concern was expressed that the Council’s general fund non-earmarked balance had reduced from £11.363m to £8.561m. The year-end balance represented 1.56% of the annual revenue budget. Audit Scotland had recommended that public sector bodies should have a minimum of 2% of their annual revenue budget in reserve;
- It was queried what the Administration’s Budget Team plan was for increasing the funding that the Council had in its non-earmarked balances. This fund would be critical in dealing with a major unforeseen event. It was also queried if the savings from the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme had been put back into the reserve budget or general budgets;
- Only 18% of the Council’s funding came from Council Tax and therefore it was not felt that successive Council Tax freezes would have made a significant difference to the Councils budget position;
- A point was made that if the Council had been able to increase Council Tax by 3% over the period of eight years of Council Tax freezes, this would have raised an additional £25m for the Council;
- One of the results from a previous Citizen Panel annual survey was that 61% of respondents would support a rise of 5% in Council Tax as long as it was spent on local services and there was less waste in the Council. It was unclear if there would be a penalty on the Council if it went above the 3% increase in Council tax, but if it could, this would help the Council’s budget situation;
- There were many households in the Highlands that were very grateful that the Council Tax had been frozen for successive years. The Council had also been compensated by the Scottish Government for not increasing Council Tax;
- A view was expressed that vacancy management should no longer be continue to be used for budgeting purposes and that if vacant posts were not required then they should be deleted from the Service’s establishment. Instead, savings should be sought from efficiencies in the Service;
- The practice of vacancy management in the Looked after Children service should end as this affected very vulnerable young people;
- The additional funding received from the Scottish Government for winter maintenance, while welcomed, did not cover the Council’s spend on this activity and had resulted in reserve funding being used;
- The Care and Learning Service budget was consistently overspent every year and therefore more funding was required for this Service next year;
- All public sector organisations were facing financial challenges in light of less funding being given to the public sector;
- This was the first overspend the Council had in many years and was mainly due to additional spend on winter maintenance as a consequence of the severe winter. There was a need for the Council to look at how it budgeted for demand led services such as winter maintenance and for Looked after Children;
- A point was made that if it was not for an underspend in loan charges and underspends in the Chief Executive’s Service and Corporate Resources Services, then the Council’s reserves budget would be in a far worse position. The Council could not continue to rely on such underspends in future and a new budget approach was required; and
- It was queried if the figure contained in the Looked after Children budget was based on last year’s budget or last year’s budget outcome. The Council had little control over demand led budgets such as this and therefore there was a need for a more thorough review of spending and income targets to ensure these were met.
In responding to a number of points, the Depute Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Resources stated that Members should regard the year end result as a “wake up call” and stressed that the Council had to make tough decisions regarding savings, and then deliver on these. Several points made during the debate had suggested increasing expenditure which was not feasible without a reassessment of priorities. He outlined that vacancy management was an appropriate tool for dealing with short term turnover, and helping to deliver future years’ savings.
Thereafter, the Committee:-
i. AGREED the near final financial position of the General Fund and HRA revenue budgets for 2017/18 and noted the ensuing impact on balances; and
ii. NOTED the status of budgeted savings in the year.
6. Corporate Capital Monitoring Final Monitoring Report for 2017/18
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Dheireannach Calpa Corporra airson 2017/18
There had been circulated Report No RES/21/18 dated 17 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources which provided a summary of the capital expenditure made by the Council during financial year 2017/18 and identified the sources of funding used for that investment.
Following consideration, the Committee:-
i. AGREED the near final position of the General Fund and HRA Capital Programmes as at 31 March 2018;
ii. HOMOLOGATED the decision of the Chair, in conjunction with Group Leaders to agree that condition 1 for applications to the Capital Discretionary Fund be waived and the committed funds to Linnhe Leisure be provided as set out in paragraph 6.3; and
iii. AGREED that approval for signing the agreements and associated documents for Alness be delegated, and the set-up of a project board, as described in section 7 of the report.
7. Corporate Resources Service and Welfare Budget – Near Final Revenue Monitoring for 2017/18
Buidseat Seirbheis nan Goireasan Corporra agus nan Sochairean – Sgrùdadh Ionmhasail Iar-Dheireannach airson 2017/18
There had been circulated Report No RES/22/18 dated 16 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
It was noted that issues with the Council’s Occupational Health contract had now been resolved.
The Committee AGREED the financial position of the Corporate Resources Service Revenue Monitoring and Welfare budget to 31 March 2018.
8. Corporate Resources Service Capital Near Final Monitoring Report for 2017/18
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Iar-Dheireannach Calpa Seirbheis nan Goireasan Corporra airson 2017/18
There had been circulated Report No RES/23/18 dated 16 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
The Committee AGREED the financial position of the Corporate Resources Service capital budget as at 31 March 2018.
9. Chief Executive’s Office and Members’ Near Final Revenue Monitoring
Report 2017/18
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Iar-Dheireannach Teachd-a-steach Oifis an Àrd-Oifigeir agus nam Ball airson 2017/18
There had been circulated Report No RES/24/18 dated 15 May 2018 by the Chief Executive.
A reduction in expenditure on training, travel and subsistence was welcomed and was a result of staff changing the way they undertook their business e.g. using video and telephone conferencing facilities.
The Committee:-
i. AGREED the financial out-turn position of the Chief Executive’s Office and Members’ budget for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018; and
ii. NOTED the Chief Executive’s Office achieved £0.443m savings in 2017/18.
10. Chief Executive’s Office Capital Near Final Monitoring Report for 2017/18
Aithisg Sgrùdaidh Iar-Dheireannach Calpa Oifis an Àrd-Oifigeir airson 2017/18
There had been circulated Report No RES/25/18 dated 15 May 2018 by the Chief Executive.
The Committee AGREED the out-turn position for the Chief Executive’s Office capital budget for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
12. Data Protection Policy Review
Fios às Ùr mu Phoileasaidh Dìon Dàta
There had been circulated Report No RES/27/18 dated 14 May 2018 by the Chief Executive.
The Committee:-
i. NOTED the changes to Data Protection legislation;
ii. NOTED the effect on the Council and Members;
iii. AGREED that Data Protection Impact Assessments be undertaken whenever changes were being considered which might affect the processing of personal data; and
iv. APPROVED the updated Data Protection Policy.
13. Treasury Management – Summary of Transactions
Rianachd Ionmhais – Geàrr-chunntas Ghnothaichean
There had been circulated Report No RES/28/18 dated 23 April 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
In discussion, reference was made to the importance of treasury management to the Council’s finances and staff were commended for their excellent work in this regard.
The Committee NOTED the Treasury Management Summary of Transactions as circulated.
14. Universal Basic Income (UBI): Research Projects Update
Teachd-a-steach Bunaiteach Uile-Choitcheann: Fios às Ùr mu Phròiseactan Rannsachaidh
There had been circulated Report No RES/29/18 dated 9 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
In discussion, Members raised the following issues:-
- concern was expressed at the cost of producing the report and it was suggested that no further time or resources should be expended on a matter which was outwith the control and ambit of the Council;
- it was highlighted that the Finnish Government had announced it would not be extending its UBI trial;
- the view was expressed that UBI would result in a significant increase in public expenditure and therefore was not a viable proposition;
- it was important that any welfare system while alleviating poverty did not encourage dependency and it was suggested that the way forward was a universal credit system which replaced the current system of multiple benefits;
- any move towards UBI would require the approval of the UK and Scottish Governments and it was not anticipated this would be forthcoming in the near future;
- the cost of producing a report should not preclude the Council from considering major and radical proposals such as UBI;
- the Council had a duty to find a starting point by which to explore any opportunities UBI could bring to the quality of life in the Highlands and it was noted there had been widespread support for this approach at the full Council meeting on 14 December 2018;
- it was suggested that UBI had the potential to make more fragile remote and rural communities in the Highlands more sustainable, drive the innovation and enterprise required, provide stable employment and respond to the demographic challenges and anticipated demand for health social care and other public services;
- it was suggested that in view of the wider issues associated with UBI that a stand-alone cross party UBI working group be established to take this forward and ensure a Highland voice in national discussions;
- it was important to highlight that the recommendation the Poverty and Inequalities Working Group continue to track progress with UBI would be accommodated within existing resources;
- concern was expressed at the suggestion that a universal credit system was the way forward given the impacts of the roll out of the current system in the Highlands, and at any stereotyping of those who were unemployed;
- there was no current UBI model which would be a cost on top of the current public expenditure landscape and it should be noted that UBI was a radical and fundamentally different way of addressing income inequality;
- the Scottish Government was supporting feasibility studies in four local authorities which suggested it supported further exploration of UBI;
- a request that officers investigate the potential for a Council Member to sit on the Scottish Government’s UBI working group; and
- it was suggested that the Poverty and Inequalities Working Group was the appropriate forum to keep a watching brief on UBI, rather than setting up a separate working group which would also have resource implications.
Following discussion, Mr P Saggers, seconded by Mr A Jarvie, MOVED that the Council note the content of the report and thank the Corporate Resources Service for the work involved in preparing the report. At a time when the resources of the Council were severely stretched, the Committee agree that no further time or resources should be expended on a matter which was entirely outwith the control and ambit of the Council.
As an AMENDMENT, the Chair, seconded by Mr B Lobban, moved the recommendations contained within the report.
In response to a point of order, the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources advised that the motion was competent in terms of the Council’s decision on 14 December 2018 in response to the notice of motion on UBI.
On a vote being taken, the MOTION received 3 votes and the AMENDMENT received 18 votes with 1 abstention, and the AMENDMENT was therefore CARRIED, the votes having been cast as follows:-
For the Motion:
Mr J Bruce, Mr A Jarvie, Mr P Saggers
For the Amendment:
Mr G Adam, Mr R Bremner, Mrs C Caddick, Mrs H Carmichael, Dr I Cockburn, Mr J Finlayson, Mr R Gale, Mr R Laird, Mr B Lobban, Mr D Louden, Mrs D Mackay, Mr D Mackay, Mr G Mackenzie, Mr A Mackinnon, Mrs M Paterson, Mr M Reiss, Mr D Rixson, Mr B Thomson
For the Abstention:
Mr L Fraser
The Committee:-
i. NOTED the contents of the report; and
ii. AGREED that members of the Poverty & Inequalities Working Group continue to track progress with the feasibility studies in Scotland. This could be achieved within existing resources although should Members decide to accelerate participation in UBI research at some point in the future then resource implications would need to be reviewed.
15. Corporate Resources Service Quarterly Performance Report
Aithisg Choileanaidh Ràitheil Seirbheis nan Goireasan Corporra
There had been circulated Report No RES/30/18 dated 3 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
In discussion, the Service was congratulated on the positive trends achieved in respect of the Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates in-year collection rates. However, concern was expressed at the trends in relation to the collection of the Business Improvement District (BID) Levies and the fact that the onus for collection lay mainly with the Council and the potential for BID to provide more support in this regard. Where collection levels continued to show decline it would be helpful to have information on the bands of rateable values for those properties that had not paid the levy to provide a better understanding of the overall position.
Thereafter, the Service was commended on the performance achieved in respect of the number of days to process housing benefit where there had been a change of circumstances.
The Committee NOTED the statutory and key performance indicators as circulated.
16. Corporate Resources Service Plan 2017-2022
Plana Seirbheis nan Goireasan Corporra 2017-2022
There had been circulated Report No RES/31/18 dated 14 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
The Chair on behalf of the Committee, thanked the staff within the Corporate Resources Service for their excellent work and on their willingness to embrace change.
In discussion, clarification was sought and provided that the Service was considering those areas of activity which had definitive performance indicators in terms of how a managed alteration to those performance targets might achieve budget savings. It was also confirmed this work would be progressed across the Council.
Thereafter, it was suggested that the Plan was critical in that it set out in detail the direction, priorities and goals of the Service and would allow progress to be monitored and for an informed discussion in future budget considerations in relation to the impacts of any proposed savings. It was hoped that the other Service Plans would be presented in the same level of detail. In addition, the key priorities and actions which would specifically support and have a positive impact upon protected groups and those at risk of socio-economic disadvantage was crucial in terms of the Highlands being an inclusive place to live. It was important that Members and officers worked together to deliver the Plan.
The Committee APPROVED the draft Corporate Resources Service Plan for 2017-22.
17. Corporate Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Plan 2018
Poileasaidh Slàinte, Sàbhailteachd agus Sunnd Chorporra 2018
There had been circulated Report No RES/32/18 dated 9 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
In discussion, reference was made to the proportion of sickness absence attributed to mental health issues and information was sought and provided on the range of support provision available in terms of staff awareness raising, training and support.
It was suggested that consideration be given to replacing the word ‘pressure’ with ‘expectation’ in the Stress Management section of the Plan on the basis that the statement that a degree of pressure was a positive force at work could be considered to be a subjective matter.
The Committee APPROVED the updated Occupational Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Plan subject to the word “pressure” being replaced with the word “expectation” under the Stress Management Section of the Policy.
18. ICT Transformation and Network Refresh
Cruth-atharrachadh ICT agus Ùrachadh Lìonraidh
There had been circulated Report No RES/33/18 dated 10 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
During discussion, Members raised the following issues:-
- the progress being made on the contract delays was encouraging, however the need to improve the business as usual element of the Programme should also continue to be a priority;
- confirmation was sought and provided that as technology advanced there was a planned evaluation of the roll out of chrome books as the project progressed;
- concern at issues with the lack of adequate IT provision at Croy Primary School and a request that a date be provided to Culloden Academy for the roll out of their chrome books. The ICT Operations Manager confirmed he would follow up on both these matters; and
- the need to have an appropriate level of IT engineer support at Nairn Academy during the exam period and concern in relation the cost to the School of ensuring that support was in place. The ICT Operations Manager provided an update on discussions with Wipro on support provision during exams and confirmed that the issues around the cost would be explored further.
The Committee NOTED the update on the ICT Transformation and Network Programmes.
19. ICT Projects Update
Cunntas às Ùr mu Phròiseactan ICT
There had been circulated Report No RES/34/18 dated 16 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
The Committee NOTED the report.
20. Commercial Board: Minutes of Meetings
Bòrd Malairteach: Geàrr-chunntasan Choinneamhan
There had been circulated Minutes of Meetings of the Commercial Board held on 14 March 2018, 19 April 2018 and 16 May 2018 for approval.
21. Minutes of Meetings
Geàrr-chunntasan Choinneamhan
The Committee:-
i. NOTED the Employment Release Sub-Committee held on 9 May 2018;
ii. NOTED the Appeals Committee held on 16 March 2018 and 26 March 2018;
iii. APPROVED the Central Safety Committee held on 4 May 2018; and
iv. APPROVED the Staff Partnership Forum held on 4 May 2018.
22. Exclusion of the Public
Às-dùnadh a’ Phobaill
The Committee RESOLVED that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.
23. Holiday Pay
Pàigheadh Shaor-làithean
There had been circulated to Members only Report No RES/35/18 dated 14 May 2018 by the Depute Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources.
Following discussion, the Committee APPROVED the recommendations set out in the report, subject to the addition of ‘holiday’ in the wording of Recommendation 1.
The meeting ended at 1.40pm.
- Item 4: Gaelic and Culture Update Report, 53.29 KB
- Item 5: Corporate Revenue Near Final Monitoring Report 207/18 Report, 153.86 KB
- Item 6: Corporate Capital Near Final Monitoring Report 2017/18 Report, 130.21 KB
- Item 7: Corporate Resources Service and Welfare Budget - Near Final Revenue Monitoring 2017/18 Report, 74.04 KB
- Item 8: Corporate Resources Services Capital Near Final Monitoring 2017/18 Report, 115.67 KB
- Item 9: Chief Executive's Office and Members Near Final Monitoring for 2017/18 Report, 71.72 KB
- Item 10: Chief Executive's Capital Near Final Monitoring Report 2017/18 Report, 41.29 KB
- Item 11: Chief Executive's Office Service Plan Report, 276.06 KB
- Item 12: Data Protection Policy Review Report, 212.24 KB
- Item 13: Treasury Management - Summary of Transactions Report, 80.61 KB
- Item 14: Universal Basic Income - Research Projects Update Report, 138.02 KB
- Item 15: Corporate Resources Service Quarterly Performance Report Report, 108.54 KB
- Item 16: Corporate Resources Service Plan 2017-2022 Report, 396.04 KB
- Item 17: Corporate Health, Wellbeing and Safety Policy and Plan 2018 Report, 404.17 KB
- Item 18: ICT Transformation and Network Refresh Report, 40.82 KB
- Item 19: ICT Projects Update Report, 53.32 KB
- Item 20a: Commercial Board Minutes - 14 March 2018 Report, 28.81 KB
- Item 20b: Commercial Board Minutes - 19 April 2018 Report, 22.75 KB
- Item 20c: Commercial Board Minutes - 16 May 2018 Report, 85.45 KB
- Item 21i: Employment Release Sub-Committee Minutes 9 May 2018 Report, 19.39 KB
- Item 21ii.a: Appeals Committee Minute - 16 March 2018 Report, 23.91 KB
- Item 21ii.b: Appeals Committee Minute - 26 March 2018 Report, 19.07 KB
- Item 21iii: Central Safety Committee Minute - 4 May 2018 Report, 48.49 KB
- Item 2iv: Staff Partnership Forum Minute - 9 May 2018 Report, 36.25 KB