Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Agenda: Read the Agenda

2.00 pm on Tuesday 4 September 2018
The Learning Centre, Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness

1.    Apologies for Absence
2.    Note of previous Meeting

There is circulated for approval Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held on 26 April 2018.
3.    Matters Arising

i.    Review of CPP Structure – Update on Highland Outcome Improvement Plan (HOIP) Delivery Groups

Partners are asked to identify their named lead on each of the five HOIP delivery groups, as set out in the circulated overview.
4.    Environmental Issues

i.    Drugs and the Environment

There will be a presentation by Professor Stuart Gibb, Director of the Environmental Research Institute at North Highland College UHI.

ii.    Single Use Plastics

The Unit Manager – South Highland, SNH, will provide a verbal update on progress with developing a breakthrough achievement.
5.    Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan and Action Programme

There is circulated Report No COG/10/18 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure, Highland Council.

The Group is asked to:

i.    note the Local Development Plan that is intended to be adopted;
ii.    review and agree the Action Programme in Appendix 2 of the report and provide any updates necessary, either at the meeting or to the Council’s Development Plans Team via by 14 September 2018;
iii.    note that the final Action Programme (amended to reflect any updates from CPP partners) will be presented to the CPP Board on 4 October 2018, with subsequent adoption of the Action Programme by the Council’s Caithness Committee and Sutherland County Committee in November 2018; and
iv.    consider how partners can help to monitor and update the Action Programme on an ongoing basis after it has been adopted.
6.    Review of COG

There is circulated Report No COG/11/18 by the Board Secretary, NHS Highland, on the arrangements for Chairing the COG.

The Group is asked to:

i.    note that the position of Chair of the COG will be vacant from January 2019; and
ii.    consider options either to fill the vacancy on a temporary basis, or make a recommendation to the Community Planning Board to review its leadership schedule in relation to improvements for succession planning for leadership of both the Community Planning Board and the Chief Officers Group.  

There will also be an open discussion on the relationships between the COG, Community Partnerships and the Community Planning Board, and the membership of the COG. 
7.    Community Partnership Resourcing – Discussion Paper

There is circulated Report No COG/12/18 by the Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, on behalf of the Community Partnerships Subgroup.

The Group is asked to:

i.    consider the costs of the Community Partnerships outlined at section 2 of the report; and
ii.    consider and discuss the potential options identified to address the resourcing needs of the Partnerships outlined in section 3 of the report.                                                                     
8.    Community Partnerships Development Day

A verbal update will be provided by the Chief Officer, HTSI, on behalf of the Community Partnerships Subgroup.
9.    Sustainability of Services – Talent Attraction

There is circulated, for discussion, Report No COG/13/18 by the Regional Skills Manager, HIE.
10.    Fairer Scotland Duty

In response to a request at the previous meeting, there is circulated for information, on behalf of the Scottish Government Location Director, a presentation on the Fairer Scotland Duty.
11.    Breakthrough Achievement: Suicide Intervention Prevention Programme Training

There is circulated Report No COG/14/18 by Ch Supt Macdonald, Police Scotland.

The Group is asked to note and comment on the report.
12.    Public Health Priorities for Scotland

There is circulated Report No COG/15/18 by the Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland.

The Group is asked to:

i.    note the Public Health priorities for Scotland and links with the Highland Outcome improvement Plan; and
ii.    task the CPP Delivery Groups and Community Partnerships to reflect the Public Health priorities in their programmes of work.
13.    Education Scotland - Community Learning and Development

There is circulated Report No COG/16/18 by the Director of Care and Learning, Highland Council.

The Group is asked to:

i.    consider and agree the representatives to attend the pre-inspection meeting with Education Scotland;
ii.    consider and agree the representatives to be involved in the two-day strategic part of the inspection; and
iii.    consider which of the Community Partnership areas to recommend to Education Scotland for the place-based part of the inspection.
14.    Minutes of Community Planning Board

The draft Minutes of the Community Planning Board held on 21 June 2018 are circulated for comment.
15.    Future Agenda Items

Community Planning Board – items proposed for 4 October

  • Developing Community Partnerships – i) Updates from Chairs; and ii) Update from Chief Officers’ Group, including progress with self-assessment of locality plans (Community Partnerships Subgroup)
  • Public Health Reform – visit by Eibhlin McHugh, Co-Director, Executive Delivery Group
  • Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan and Action Programme (David Cowie)
  • Full Fibre Highland – presentation by Justin Leese, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (John Robertson)        

The Group is also asked to confirm which of the items on this agenda will be proceeding to the Board.
Chief Officers’ Group – items proposed for 9 November

  • Annual Participation Measure – feedback on progress, as agreed at the COG on 26 April 2018 (Anthony Standing)
  • Visit Scotland – presentation by Regional Partnerships Director
  • CivTech: harnessing new technologies to improve public sector services (George Hogg)
  • Skills in Highland (Seonag Campbell)