Agendas, reports and minutes

Highland Community Planning Partnership Chief Officers Group

Date: Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Minutes: Read the Minutes

Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group held in The Learning Centre, Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness on Tuesday 4 September 2018 at 2.00 pm.
Representing the Highland Council (HC):

Mr S Barron
Ms A Clark

Representing Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE):
Mr D Oxley

Representing the Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI):
Ms M Wylie

Representing High Life Highland (HLH):
Mr D Wilby (Substitute)

Representing NHS Highland (NHSH):
Prof E Mead
Ms F Clarke (Substitute)

Representing Police Scotland (PS):
Ch Supt G Macdonald

Representing Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS):
Mr F Nixon (Substitute)

Representing the Scottish Government (SG):
Dr D Mackinnon

Representing Skills Development Scotland (SDS):
Ms S Campbell

Representing University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI):
Mr D MacBeath

Supporting the Chief Officers Group:
Ms E Johnston
Mr P Mascarenhas
In attendance:

Supt P MacRae, Police Scotland
Mrs R Daly, Board Secretary, NHS Highland
Mr D Cowie, Principal Planner, Highland Council
Mr D Chisholm, Planner, Highland Council
Miss M Murray, Committee Administrator, Highland Council

Also in attendance:

Prof S Gibb, Director of Environmental Research Institute, North Highland College UHI

Prof E Mead in the Chair

1.    Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Mr D Yule, Mr B Alexander, Mr S Black, Mr J Gibbs, Mr I Murray, Ms C Steer, Mr R Middlemiss and Mr G Hogg.
2.    Note of Previous Meeting

The Note of Meeting of the Chief Officers’ Group on 26 April 2018 was APPROVED.
3.    Matters Arising

i.    Review of CPP Structure – Update on Highland Outcome Improvement Plan (HOIP) Delivery Groups

Partners having been asked to identify their named lead on each of the five HOIP delivery groups, updates were provided as follows:

Reducing Poverty

Chair: Alison Clark, Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council

Communication and Engagement

Whilst HTSI had originally been identified as the lead organisation, given that there was a Community Learning and Development element, the statutory responsibility for which sat with the Council, it had been suggested that the Chair should be the Council’s Director of Care and Learning.  Given the Director’s imminent retirement, the Council’s Children’s Planning Manager and High Life Highland’s Head of Performance would act as Depute Chairs.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Chair: Cathy Steer, Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland

Community Safety and Resilience

Chair: Supt Philip MacRae, Police Scotland
Vice Chair: Derek Wilson, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service


HIE had not yet identified a named lead.

It was highlighted that a development day had taken place for the delivery group Chairs and a development plan had been produced for each of the groups as a starting point.  In addition, the Council’s Children’s Planning Manager would be providing a facilitated session for each group to support them to develop actions for their action plans.

The Chief Officer, HTSI, highlighted that the timescale for arranging Third Sector representation on the delivery groups was now short and she required from the Chairs, as soon as possible, a summary of the duties and responsibilities of each group.  She added that she was seeking two Third Sector representatives on each delivery group to provide continuity in the event one of them could not attend, and to allow peer support.

The Group NOTED the position and AGREED that:

i.    that a note be drafted, on behalf of the Chair, to the Chief Executive of HIE seeking confirmation of the named lead in respect of the Infrastructure delivery group; and
ii.    a summary of the duties and responsibilities of each delivery group be provided to the Chief Officer, HTSI, as a matter of urgency.
4.    Environmental Issues

i.    Drugs and the Environment

Professor Stuart Gibb, Director of the Environmental Research Institute at North Highland College UHI, gave a detailed presentation on the issue of pharmaceutical contaminants in water and the associated implications and challenges.  Information was provided on steps being taken by NHS Highland, in conjunction with partners, including updating the prescribing formulary to include environmental effects as a pilot, and the aspiration to achieve the Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard at Caithness General Hospital.  Information was also provided on the Swedish Government’s strategy to achieve a non-toxic environment and it was suggested that consideration be given to a declaration for a non-toxic Highlands and Islands.

Following discussion on the need for public dialogue and behavioural change, and the importance of engaging with school children, the Group NOTED:

i.    the presentation;
ii.    the aspirational proposal in relation to a declaration for a non-toxic Highland; and
iii.    that the Science Skills Academy’s network of Newton Rooms presented potential opportunities for practical learning activities for primary school pupils.

ii.    Single-Use Plastics

Further to discussion at the previous COG regarding developing a breakthrough achievement in relation to single-use plastics, the Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, on behalf of the Unit Manager – South Highland, SNH, highlighted that a number of partners had yet to provide feedback on the feasibility of implementing the suggested breakthrough achievements in their organisations.  This was necessary to progress matters effectively and it was proposed that an update be presented to the next meeting, once all partners had had an opportunity to respond.

Having recognised the need for cultural change in relation to single-use plastics, the Group NOTED the position and AGREED that the Committee Administrator issue a reminder to partners on behalf of the Unit Manager – South Highland.
5.    Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan (CaSPlan) and Action Programme

There had been circulated Report No COG/10/18 by the Director of Development and Infrastructure, Highland Council.

In introducing the report, the Principal Planner, Highland Council, highlighted that, clearance having been received from Scottish Ministers, CaSPlan had become the adopted policy of the Council as of Friday 31 August 2018.

Detailed discussion took place, during which it was suggested that the UK Vertical Launch facility in Sutherland be added to the Economic Development Sites section of the Action Programme.  The Chair referred to proposals for a healthcare village in Caithness and suggested that officers liaise with Eric Green, Head of Estates, NHS Highland, in that regard.  In addition, the importance of engaging with relevant Community Partnerships was emphasised.

The Group:

i.    NOTED the Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan that had been adopted as of 31 August 2018;
ii.    AGREED the Action Programme in Appendix 2 of the report, subject to the potential inclusion of the UK Vertical Launch facility in Sutherland, and that any further updates be provided to the Council’s Development Plans Team via by 14 September 2018;
iii.    NOTED that the final Action Programme (amended to reflect any updates from partners) would be presented to the Community Planning Board on 4 October 2018, with subsequent adoption of the Action Programme by the Council’s Caithness Committee and Sutherland County Committee in November 2018;
iv.    AGREED, in relation to the ongoing monitoring and updating of the Action Programme, that relevant partners identify a responsible officer to update their actions on at least a quarterly basis; and
v.    AGREED that relevant Community Partnerships be engaged in the CaSPlan process going forward.
6.    Arrangements for Chairing the Chief Officers’ Group

There had been circulated Report No COG/11/18 by the Board Secretary, NHS Highland.

Discussion took place on the merits of the options set out in the report, during which it was clarified that the term “Chair Elect” referred to the successive Chair.  It was suggested that years 3 and 4 of the current schedule be interchanged and that HIE, as Chair Elect, assume responsibility for the COG with effect from 1 January 2019.  In that regard, it was emphasised that the HIE Chair should be at Director level at least.  Discussion also took place regarding the previous suggestion that the Chair of the COG and the Board should change at different stages – ie one at 1 January and one at 1 April.  However, it was recognised that that would only be viable where the same partner was not Chairing the COG and Board in consecutive years.

The Group NOTED that the position of Chair of the COG would be vacant from 1 January 2019 to 31 March 2018 and AGREED TO RECOMMEND to the Board:

i.    that the remaining three years of the schedule for Chairing the Board and COG be revised, as follows:

Year        Board                                         COG
3              SFRS – Local Senior Officer      HIE - Director
4              HIE – Director                             Police Scotland – Divisional Commander
5              Highland Council – Leader       SFRS – Local Senior Officer

ii.    that a “Chair Elect” position be created for both the Board and COG to maintain continuity and reduce the risk of any future vacancies impacting on business; and
iii.    subject to approval of i. and ii. above, that HIE, as Chair Elect, assume responsibility for the COG with effect from 1 January 2019.
7.    Community Partnership Resourcing – Discussion Paper

There had been circulated Report No COG/12/18 by the Acting Head of Policy, Highland Council, on behalf of the Community Partnerships Subgroup.

Detailed discussion took place on the challenges associated with addressing the resourcing needs of Community Partnerships.  In particular, the need for equity was emphasised and it was suggested that could best be achieved by each partner dedicating staff resource as opposed to monetary resource.

Further discussion took place on the scope for external funding, the potential for a Community Partnership hub/virtual environment that all partners could contribute staff to, and the opportunity presented by the Local Governance Review to propose to the Scottish Government a different approach to partnership priorities and work.

The Group:

i.    NOTED the costs of the Community Partnerships outlined at section 2 of the report;
ii.    AGREED that potential external funding sources be explored with the Scottish Government Location Director;
iii.    AGREED to work up the suggested Community Partnership hub/virtual environment resourcing model;
iv.    AGREED to develop a related proposal under the Local Governance Review; and
v.    AGREED that a small meeting of lead agencies be convened to agree how to progress Community Partnership resourcing.
8.    Community Partnerships Development Day

The Group NOTED that the next Community Partnerships Development Day would take place on 16 November 2018 in Strathpeffer, further information on which would be provided in due course.
9.    Sustainability of Services – Talent Attraction

There had been circulated, for discussion, Report No COG/13/18 by the Regional Skills Manager, HIE.

Detailed discussion took place on the importance of talent attraction and retention in terms of sustainability of core services, particularly in remote and rural areas;  the need for coordination and joint action to make it more likely that people would choose to relocate to Highland and address the talent gaps that existed, particularly in the public sector; the impact of Brexit on the recruitment of key staff and tourist infrastructure; the scope to learn from local initiatives such as Recruit North Highland, as well as the talent attraction work taking place in other countries; the initiatives taking place in schools to highlight the opportunities that existed in the local area and ensure that pupils had the necessary skill sets; the importance of equity in further and higher education; the need to attract young people from outwith the area to study in Highland; and the importance of housing for key workers, particularly in the Inner Moray Firth and Skye.

The Group NOTED the report and AGREED that:

i.    building on the information in the report and the points raised during discussion, HIE lead on a piece of work to coordinate the various strands of work taking place and develop actions to improve talent attraction and retention for all partner organisations and throughout Highland; and
ii.    that the potential to learn from and develop initiatives such as Recruit North Highland be explored.
10.    Fairer Scotland Duty

In response to a request at the previous meeting, there had been circulated for information, on behalf of the Scottish Government Location Director, a presentation on the Fairer Scotland Duty.

Following discussion, the Group:

i.    NOTED the presentation and that, should partners require any further information, the Scottish Government Location Director was happy to act as a link with the Scottish Government Equalities Team;
ii.    AGREED that a report relating to the suggestion, in the interim guidance, that CPPs should consider adopting the definition of socio-economic disadvantage be presented to the next meeting; and
iii.    AGREED that the Scottish Government Location Director look into how to access the funding that had been made available, both in relation to the Fairer Scotland Duty and the Child Poverty Delivery Plan.
11.    Breakthrough Achievement: Suicide Intervention Prevention Programme (SIPP) Training

There had been circulated Report No COG/14/18 by Ch Supt Macdonald, Police Scotland.

During discussion, the need for managers to encourage staff to attend the SIPP training and, given the nature of the subject matter, to support them in dealing with any issues that might arise was emphasised.  In addition, the decision of the Community Planning Board on 21 June 2018 that Chief Officers should commit to being in the first cohort to be trained was reiterated.

The Group:

i.    NOTED the report;
ii.    NOTED that the proposed network event for trainers would take place on 14 September 2018 in the Centre for Health Science, Inverness;
iii.    NOTED that the suicide prevention app had been developed and was due for piloting; and
iv.    AGREED that SIPP training dates be circulated to partners as soon as they were available.
12.    Public Health Priorities for Scotland

There had been circulated Report No COG/15/18 by the Head of Health Improvement, NHS Highland.

During discussion, partners commented that, whilst it was helpful to see the links with the HOIP, Community Partnership priorities had been identified through engagement with local communities and would not necessarily mesh with the public health priorities.

The Group:

i.    NOTED the public health priorities for Scotland and links with the Highland Outcome improvement Plan; and
ii.    AGREED that the report be reframed and presented to Community Partnerships as a discussion paper with a view to highlighting the links between the priorities being identified at a local level and the national public health priorities.
13.    Education Scotland – Community Learning and Development (CLD)

There had been circulated Report No COG/16/18 by the Director of Care and Learning, Highland Council.

During discussion, the importance of involving a range of partners in the pre-inspection meeting was emphasised.  In addition, it was suggested that the strategic phase of the inspection should include Chief Executive level representation, not only from the Council but from other partner organisations.

The Group AGREED:

i.    that the pre-inspection meeting with Education Scotland should include the following:

  • the Council’s Director of Care and Learning
  • the Council’s Acting Head of Policy
  • a Community Partnership Chair
  • a representative of Skills Development Scotland
  • a Third Sector representative

ii.    that the two-day strategic phase of the inspection should include the following:

  • the Council’s Director of Care and Learning
  • the Council’s Acting Head of Policy
  • the Community Partnership Chair involved in the place-based inspection
  • the CLD Support Officer
  • the Community Partnership CLD lead involved in the place-based inspection
  • the Council’s Children’s Planning Manager and High Life Highland’s Head of Performance (as Depute Co-Chairs of the CPP Communication and Engagement Delivery Group)
  • a representative from all other community planning partners including HTSI
  • Chief Executive level representation, not only from the Council but from other partners, as appropriate

iii.    to recommend the Mid Ross Community Partnership area to Education Scotland for the place-based part of the inspection.
14.    Minutes of Community Planning Board

The draft Minutes of the Community Planning Board held on 21 June 2018 were NOTED.
15.    Future Agenda Items

Community Planning Board – 4 October 2018

The Group AGREED to recommend the following:

  • Developing Community Partnerships – i) Updates from Chairs; and ii) Update from Chief Officers’ Group, including progress with self-assessment of locality plans
  • Public Health Reform – visit by Eibhlin McHugh, Co-Director, Executive Delivery Group
  • Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan and Action Programme
  • Full Fibre Highland – presentation by Justin Leese, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
  • Proposed arrangements for Chairing the COG and Board
  • Annual Review of the HOIP

Chief Officers’ Group – 9 November 2018

The Group AGREED the following:

  • Annual Participation Measure – feedback on progress, as agreed at the COG on 26 April 2018
  • Visit Scotland – presentation by Regional Partnerships Director
  • CivTech: harnessing new technologies to improve public sector services
  • Skills in Highland
  • Single-Use Plastics
  • Presentation: UK Vertical Launch Facility in Sutherland
  • Fairer Scotland Duty: Defining Socio-Economic Disadvantage

16.    Any Other Business

The Chair highlighted that the Highland LGBTI Forum had been granted permission to hold a “Proud Ness” event in Inverness on Saturday 6 October 2018.

This was NOTED.

In addition, given his imminent retirement, she expressed thanks, on behalf of the COG, to Bill Alexander, Director of Care and Learning, Highland Council, for his contribution and, in particular, his passion for improving outcomes for children and young people.