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Improving Paths with HITRANS
Published: Wednesday, 6 March 2024
The Highland Council has been carrying out maintenance on a number of core paths throughout the region with grant assistance HITRANS.
Through the winter season 2023/2024 The Highland Councill has been carry out improvements on a range of paths throughout the region with the aim of increasing accessibly for Active Travel in those settlements. Grant funding from the Highlands and Islands Transport Partnership (HITRANS) has allowed non works to be underaken on exisiting routes where traditionally maintenance has not been supportable by grant aid. Funding bodies often prefer new capital projects and not revenue to maintain existing resources, however ensuring exisiting paths are accessible is key to increasing the public to be less reliant on private car travel. Projects have included
- Verge scraping to widen the path connecting Culrain to Invershin in Sutherland. This route includes crossing of the Kyle of Sutherland on the Oykel Rail Viaduct walkway. The existing path had retreated back to a very narrow 30-80cm, the full width of 1.2m have been found and resurfaced. Popular route with cyclists on the Far North Way (previously the NCN1) and locals