20mph Programme

Consultation - Traffic Order

Live Statutory Consultation


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Highland Council proposes to make an Order in terms of Section 84(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 entitled as above.

If the Order comes into force, the Order will introduce a 20mph speed limit on the roads listed in schedule 2 below and detailed in the associated plans found here

The closing date for comments is the 10th February 2025.

Permanent 20mph Speed Limits

After an 18-month temporary period, the statutory consultation phase for the Highland wide 20 MPH scheme commenced on the 3rd December 2024. This provides an opportunity for all stakeholders, including residents and businesses, to share their views and suggestions on the programme.

We encourage everyone to participate in this statutory consultation, as detailed above, and have their say by getting in touch at 20mph@highland.gov.uk.

Highland Wide 20mph Scheme Temporary Traffic Order Documents

Road to Permanence - Moving to Permanent 20mph Speed Limits

The Highland wide 20mph scheme went live on Monday 31 July 2023, the scheme used a Council wide Temporary Road Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) for a period of 18 months. An extension has been granted to this TTRO, meaning it now runs until the 31st July 2025.

Significant work was undertaken throughout the period the TTRO has been live to identify the next steps for permanent implementation of the 20mph speed limits around the Authority.

Speed data provided by Tracsis along with consultation with communities helped inform the decision-making process. Tracsis data can be found on the 20mph Programme webpage. Speed counts have been taken at over 250 locations around Highland pre and post 20mph implementation to aid the process and assess speed compliance with the new reduced limits.