20mph Programme
Traffic Order and Road to Permanence
Highland Wide 20mph Scheme Permanent Traffic Order Documents
- First Notice
- Schedule 1 Consultation
- Schedule 2 Consultation
- Traffic Regulation Order Consultation
- Statement of Reasons
Highland Wide 20mph Scheme Temporary Traffic Order Documents
- Notice of Extension of Temporary Road Traffic Regulation Order
- Notice
- Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO)
- Schedule
Road to Permanence - Moving to Permanent 20mph Speed Limits
The Highland wide 20mph scheme went live on Monday 31 July 2023, the scheme uses one Council wide Temporary Road Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) which lasts for a period of 18 months. An extension has been granted to this TTRO which now runs till 31st July 2025.
Significant work has been ongoing throughout the period the TTRO has been live to identify the next steps for permanent implementation of the 20mph speed limits around the Authority.
Data provided by Tracsis and consultation with communities is informing the decision making going forward. Tracsis data can be found on the 20mph Programme webpage. Speed counts have been taken at over 250 locations around Highland pre and post 20mph implementation to aid the process and assess speed compliance with the new reduced limits.
Full legal statutory consultation has to be undertaken prior to the making of any permanent Road Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and will be undertaken for this entire Highland wide 20mph limit scheme in early 2025 prior to making of any permanent order.
Options to be considered for each road are:
- temporary 20mph speed limit is made permanent with existing signing and lining only
- temporary 20mph limit will require additional speed management features in order to become permanent as existing mean average speeds are too high
- temporary 20mph limit reverts back to a 30mph limit as road is not appropriate for a permanent 20mph limit
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