Corran Ferry Infrastructure Improvement Scheme

Scheme overview

Scheme summary

The Corran Ferry Infrastructure Improvement Scheme will involve the construction of a new slipway and an overnight berthing pier at Ardgour, and the construction of a new slipway, breakwater, marshalling area, parking, cycle path and public facilities, north of the Corran settlement on the Nether Lochaber side, to support the operation of a new electric vessel.

The timescale for the construction programme will be confirmed upon determination of the preferred infrastructure designs. Based on other development projects, the anticipated timeframe is approximately 18 months.

In consideration of minimising disruption to the service as far as practicable, infrastructure designs (including new slipways) mean the existing service can continue on the existing infrastructure during construction, and hence disruption (if any) is anticipated to be minimal.

The public will be notified in advance of any unavoidable interruption or delays and will be coordinated as non-consecutive days, periods of hours each day and/or a change in the ferry schedule, to minimise disruption, as far as practicable.

Minimising impacts on the local community and traffic system is a key consideration for this development, recognising this is in the heart of a small community.

Potential impacts will be assessed as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (underway in 2024). The EIA will identify mitigation, where necessary, to reduce potentially significant impacts as far as practicable.

Results of the EIA, including proposed mitigation, will be communicated in public consultation events in the second half of 2024.

Pre-application public consultation is well underway for the Infrastructure Improvement Scheme, and we welcome the local communities' views.

Public consultation material from the consultation events and a feedback questionnaire are available for the Corran Ferry Infrastructure Improvement Scheme on the Project's Consultation Website.

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