New Electric Vessel
New electric vessel design
The Climate Change Act 2019 emphasises the necessity to reduce emissions and pursue low carbon infrastructure solutions, with electric power the preferred option for short ferry crossings.
We have therefore joined Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL) Small Vessels Replacement Programme that will provide standardised, state-of-the-art, electric zero emmission ferries on various routes along the West Coast of Scotland.
The new, larger electric 32 car capacity, Ro-Ro ferry will offer increased capacity from the existing main vessel, the 28 car capcity MV Corran and will contribute to meeting our and Scottish Government’s climate change commitments.
The 23 year old MV Corran will replace the older and smaller, 49 year old Maid of Glencoul as a larger and more reliable relief vessel.
The use of the MV Corran will provide service resilience as a relief vessel, until we can agree to deliver a second electric ferry.
Further details on the new electric ferry can be found on the Corran Ferry vessel design page.