Corran Ferry Project Overview

Project finance and engagement


We are pleased to report that a total of £30 million has been earmarked for the delivery of new ferry infrastructure. This includes £20 million from UK Government through reallocated funds from the Inverness and Highland City Region Deal and £10 million from us.

A request has also been made to Scottish Government to consider repurposing monies from the Inverness and Highland City Region Deal to fund the new electric ferry (estimated at £25 million).


The timescale for the construction programme will be confirmed upon determination of the preferred infrastructure designs. Based on other development projects, the anticipated timeframe is approximately 18 months. Target date for completion is the end of 2026

Information on the Infrastructure Improvement Scheme can be found on the project’s consultation webpage.

Fares and timetabling

No change is proposed to timetabling and operational hours.

Capital funding has been secured through other channels and will not be funded through fares.

Ferry ticket pricing, along with other Council fee paying services, is reviewed on an annual basis, and will be communicated through our Corran Ferry pages.

Key benefit

The investment in the shoreside infrastructure and a ferry replacement will ensure the continued operation of a resilient ferry service in the short to medium term which is fundamental to the economic viability and future sustainability of the Ardgour peninsula, Lochaber, and Mull communities.

Community engagement

We recognise there are differing views in the community on the preferred solution to the challenges of the Corran Narrows crossing. Recognising the project has been approved by members, we will continue to work closely with the local Community Councils to provide project information and answer questions. 

Pre-application public consultation is well underway for the Infrastructure Improvement Scheme, and we welcome the local communities’ views.

Public consultation material from these events and a feedback questionnaire are available for the Corran Ferry Infrastructure Improvement Scheme on the Project’s Consultation Website.

The Infrastructure Improvement Scheme seeks to ensure the essential replacement vessels and infrastructure upgrade can be delivered to prevent service failure, until a fixed link solution can be delivered (such as a bridge). A fixed link crossing is a separate, complementary piece of work that remains a long-term aspiration. Responses relating to a fixed link option can be directed to us through

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