Privacy notices
Records starting with C
- Change in circumstances
- Childcare contracts
- Childcare required for keyworkers
- Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund
- Children and Young People’s Participation Strategy.
- Choice based lettings enquiry
- Cinema or theatre licence
- Citizens' Panel
- Civic Government licence
- Collaboration on M365 for invited users only: access to OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams
- Comment or compliment
- Communication Support
- Community Asset Transfer Asset Transfer Request
- Community Asset Transfer Expression of Interest
- Community Regeneration Funding
- Complaint
- Compulsory Purchase Order Compensation
- Concessionary transport payments
- Consultation on Agreed Local Guidance
- Consultation on the Highland Council allotments policy/rules and regulations for allotments sites
- Consultation Sandown Land, Nairn
- Consultation: Area Based Funds
- Contact your councillor
- Core Path Plan Consultations
- Coronavirus (Covid-19)
- Council Tax
- Creditor notice